Business Development Consultant, Claire Brumby


Need help with your business planning, strategy development and direction, brand activation or sales acceleration for your retail product or brand?

Wish you had the right strategy, expert support and accountability to stay on track?

Contact me to find out more

Get strategic with your business

What we can work on together

After we have discussed your unique goals, objectives, needs and requirements, we can work on multiple areas of your business development. This could include:

  • Routes to market
  • Sales and marketing plans
  • Product launch strategy
  • Growth strategies
  • Sales Channel Strategy
  • Category and competitor audits
  • Brand Development
  • Category benchmarking
  • A full 360° blueprint on how to develop and launch a product

Why have strategic business development support from me?

When you hire me as your business development consultant, you’re not only benefitting from my extensive experience as an entrepreneur, an award-winning business owner and performance coach.

You’re also getting the support, advice and guidance of someone who knows first-hand how hard it is to run a bricks and mortar business or get a product out there. I’m familiar with the pitfalls and challenges that this journey can bring and I’m here to help you avoid them from day one.

I’ve enjoyed a 20+ year management career in the hospitality sector, launched my own retail brand in a fiercely competitive sector within the FMCG industry, written and launched a best-selling book and pitched for investment on the popular BBC Dragon’s Den TV show.

By working with both UK brands and international retail brands who need to enter the UK with a strong strategic plan, I have transformed the futures of businesses around the world.

Using my business development knowledge and experience, you can make the impact you want to have on the world.

If you’re missing structure, focus, enthusiasm, drive, clarity and the fun from a business you deserve then we need to have a chat about how I can help you independently or as part of your team.

Business mentorship and support that counts

How would you feel if you had both focus and clarity in your business right now, underpinned with the correct strategy and expert support and accountability to keep the goals and targets on track?

How about a business mentor in your corner, providing the right support to your individuals and teams?

My guess is that you’d feel like a weight had been lifted, and you could grow and make the impact you created your business for in the first place.

Whether you’re looking for business development, strategic development, or a business mentor, I can help you get strategic, accelerate your sales, plan your business more effectively and help you grow your brand.

Without a solid business development strategy in place, your business won’t grow effectively and profitably.  Are you willing to take the risk?

Get in touch

Innovation + positive disruption = your best chance of success

Get in touch now to find out more about working together and creating a bespoke consultancy plan for your business.

If you are looking for a non-executive director in your business, again please get in touch and we can talk through how this works and your investment in this.

What my previous clients say...

Through Claire’s insight & experience we’ve been able to open up new routes to market; I couldn’t praise her enough.

Rob Rona | Director of New Markets, Products and Services | Lighterlife

Before I started working with Claire, I was struggling with gaining clarity in my business and creating manageable timelines to work to, so that I didn’t feel overwhelmed. I’m so glad I took the leap and I asked Claire for her mentorship and to coach me. With Claire’s help, I’ve managed to really have several breakthroughs personally and, in my business, which have led to personal success and personal growth, as well as the growth of my business.

Thank you so much, Claire, for your help. I really appreciate all of the advice that you’ve imparted upon me. To anyone that’s thinking of working with Claire, I would really highly recommend her as she’s such a straight talker. You will get plenty of actionable points to take away and you will learn so much in the process. Thank you so much, Claire.

Gemma Wilson | Vala Energy

Not every day do you come across someone with such a mind full of valuable knowledge. A well-focused competent person with a strong emphasis on delivering the best for both you and your business. If you want a clear path to success, I highly recommend Claire.

Tricia McNeilly | Founder | Õtzibrew

Claire is an incredible mentor, from focusing my vision to actually getting things done to giving me positive inspiration to continue moving forward when all about you feels hard and impossible. Well worth the investment!

Carole Armitage | 80Noir Ultra

Before we booked our sessions with Claire, we were feeling overwhelmed. We had too many tasks, too many things going on, and it was just all very confusing. Claire helped us set out some key goals and helped us work out a clear path into how we achieve those goals. We definitely highly recommend Claire. She’s a lovely person, and she really helped us and understood our business with a whole wealth of knowledge. As well, it’s really great to know someone who has actually been in your shoes.

Joe & Dara | Founders | Pure Recharge

Claire your delightful and transparent approach has made our dealings with you a pure joy. More than this though your business sense and honest advice has been key to getting us where we are today.

Paula & Maria | Founders | Junius

I am easily distracted by new ideas and new possibilities for my business.

Claire offered invaluable support in helping me to focus my efforts on selling the products I already have, so that I have the bottom line with which to develop those new ideas.

Her clarity of thought really allowed me to see where the true potential in my business lies, and our regular chats held me accountable to staying on course. Highly recommended.

Belinda Clark | Belinda Clark Confectionery

I met Claire a few years before I needed her help, but when the time came, I knew exactly who to call. I was at a crossroads in the early stages of building my business, not really understanding which way to turn and which path to take. Claire came to the rescue with her amazing clear mind and organization. She sent me pre-work; we had the call which was I believe a 90-minute planning call. Then she sent me homework and my action plan.

Following that call, I felt that I was a lot more confident and clearer in where I was taking the business. As a result, I hit my targets for the year, both financially and the softer goals. Afterward, I’ve really thought about what we talked about in that meeting, and I’ve continued to implement her ideas. I have her sitting on my shoulder, the little voice guiding me through the process and making sure that the business is the one I want to create. If you need someone in your corner, I highly recommend Claire. I couldn’t have got to where I am now without her. I look forward to working with her again in the future.

Stacy Cronly-Dillon | Sunnyfields Honey

I hired Claire as a mentor during the pre-launch stage of Salsa Stories to get me on the right track with dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s in time for the big day. As a newcomer to the industry her advice was invaluable. She is a veritable fountain of knowledge! Drawing from her own experience running an FMCG business and her wider expertise within the industry she helped get me up to speed, develop an action plan and execute it! Her insight helped inform a killer business plan that landed me some finance opportunities and a production unit of my own. Her email support was like having an accountability partner to whip me into shape and spur me into action. 6 months on I am still looking at the notes from our sessions and there are still plenty of gems (diamonds 😉) for me to pursue. 100% recommend!

Julie McCalden | Salsa Stories

We took our business as far as we could ourselves, and it was in probably a little bit of a limbo of where it’s going with terms. Even though there’s two of us, we still felt lonely. I was so glad we took the plunge because she’s helped us with so much.  We find Claire very motivational. She gives us that kick when we need it; we say that she should sell her motivation in little bottles!  Amazing, amazing, amazing woman inside, outside, fantastic. She knows her stuff, definitely, and has a cracking sense of humour, lovely person, goes above and beyond. Claire is your woman.

Tam & Lisa | Founders | The Peckish Artisan Kitchen

Nottingham Trent University
Virgin Start Up
The Business Book Awards Finalist 2019
National Mentoring Awards Nominee 2019
University College Birmingham
London South Bank University
Doncaster Chamber
Daily Mirror
Daily Mail
Daily Express
Brad Burton
Dragons' Den
e-factor Business
Bread & Jam
Pink Spaghetti PA Services
London Metropolitan University
International Coaching Federation
Associate Certified Coach